After school got out in July my fall adventure began. I moved down to Utah the Day after classes were done. I moved to the first neighborhood that I ever lived in. West Valley is what some people would call a not nice place but my first memories are here.
Here are a few of these memories. When I was about three years old I was at the neighborhood 4th of July party and I burnt my finger on a sparkler. That same summer I was stung by a bee for the first time. i also learned to ride a bike. I loved this place. Yes it has changed but I can still feel the feelings that I used to have here. It is still a piece of me.
Anyway, I moved down here with out having a job. I was hoping to get the Temple Square job that my BFF had suggested I try to get. So began the wait. As I waited I decided to catch up with some of my best friends.I first got a hold of Kenna. I love her two little people and wanted to see how big and beautiful they were getting. I was for surely not disappointed.

As you can see they are my little beauties!!
I next made sure to spend sometime with one of my dearest friends and her little family. In a way I have become apart of the family. It may only be by name but I feel their love in my heart. Becky and Nate name their sweet lovely little daughter Marlayna. They may never know what this has meant in to me. It may have even saved me. It as least helped me grow up a little. Little Layna is a beautiful little girl!! I love her so much!

Well I finally got the job at Temple Square. I am a temp grounds lady!! It has to be my favorite job ever. People are so kind. I also work with some very wonderful people. My crew is the best. We take care of the area From the Joseph Smith Building east to State Street. I think that we have the most engaging gardens! What do you think?

I also get to put up Christmas lights. That means ladders, lifts and a lot of time.

Oh I also had the chance to go to Bri's wedding! Like always she was beautiful. The wedding was at the Salt Lake Temple! Like always it was a wonderful spiritual place to be in.

So as you can see life is still a party. I have also had the chance to hangout with Jennifer. Lady Bug just had her shoulder worked on a few weeks ago and can't move it for a total of six weeks. Life is always a party.
Yay for a new post!!! Glad you're loving your neighborhood and your job and all, those things are important. Now if we could just go to the zoo...
Great post! It was definitely worth the wait! I love how you reminist (sp?) about West Valley when you were young...awesome!
Kenna's kids are so cute! Hey do they remember me...not her kids but, Kenna and her husband...probably not. Oh well, I totally remember them.
Marlayna misses you...ok...maybe it's me. But, if I miss you I'm sure SHE misses you even more!
Marlayna Farlayna,
I think I have decided to change your name to MarFar, catchy huh? Thank you for the post, I feel that I now know a bit more about you and I don't have to lay in bed worrying about my dear MarFar (see it flows-MarFar, I like it!) I'm glad your life is peachy(as JJ or KK would say) and that you get the opportunity to work in such a great environment. I love you and miss you as always.
Fashion reminder:I know that the cute long sweaters are coming into fahsion but don't go there, you know your legs may look like short twigs. But don't shy away from those rich fall colors.
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